Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Marketing & Advertising thx Ariel Inigo Action Coach

Ariel Inigo Master Coach Action Coach | Megyn Carpenter Web Coach
I won Brad Sugars book 'Instant Advertising'
- thanks Ariel, can't wait to read it!
1. The three most important components of any marketing campaign are 1) Target Markets - Who and Where?, 2) Your Offer - What and Why?, 3) The Copy - How?

2. Communicate a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) in your marketing and sales that blows away your competitors. (mmm…need to work on mine). Your USP can be a guarantee;  they build trust and confidence and reduces risk to your client.

3. Identify your Top 10 marketing strategies and use a few of them concurrently eg Referrals, Telemarketing, Networking, Flyers, eNewsletters, Website / Social Media, Strategic alliances, Sponsorships, TV, Radio. Only drop a strategy if you have the figures to identify it isn't working.  Test and measure each strategy. 

4. Divide clients according to the types of purchase. For each type calculate their Acquisition Cost (costs to acquire client eg marketing) and Lifetime Value (how much the client is worth to you). Its cheaper to keep clients than acquire new ones.

5. Review your clients and put them into categories: Awesome Basic, Can't Deal With, Dead.  Ask D clients to move on and give them options. Try and move C clients to B, and B clients to A.

6. Understand the difference between image building / branding and direct response advertising.

7. Every advertising campaign should use the AIDA principal: Attention - using great headlines, images and layout; Interest - identifying 'What's in it for me'; Desire - meeting a need or creating a want; Action - specific and easy 'Call to Action'.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Successful Marketing thx Rachael Birmingham

Rachael Bermingham Megyn Carpenter Successful Marketing
Rachael Bermingham  |  Megyn Carpenter

1. Start with the right mindset and attitude. Connect your head, heart and soul.

2. Know where you want to be this time next year. Take action.

3. Say yes to opportunities. Allow space to take advantage of opportunities.

4. Be ruthless with your time and schedule. Getting support is critical.

5. Select mentors who can be instrumental in your dream. Engage mentors for a maximum 12 months. 

6. Get to know your target markets, not just their demographics.  What are their hobbies, what are they reading, where they live, do they have children, how old?

7. Be a problem solver. Go the heart of customer's problems.  Speak the right language and connect on an emotional level.